A mix of cultures: a concert by Norbert Bogdán & Béla Rózsa
22:15 – 22:45 Székely Bertalan Parlour
Norbert Bogdán, 22, was born in the town of Nagykanizsa. This talented young man is one of the oldest students of the Snétberger Music Talent Center. He has been intensely involved in music since the age of ten, he is a guitarist, a composer and a singer. It was four years ago that Norbert met Béla Rózsa, 19, in the Centre in Felsőörs. Béla is deeply rooted in the region of Nyírség. In recent years, arts teaches like Attila László and Ferenc Snétberger have tutored them. The result of the mutual music-making is the unique fusion of different gipsy traditions and jazz. Their programme features Serbian and Romanian songs as well as renderings of folk songs collected by Norbert and his father.